Type of documentary: Mixed.
Themes: Games, creation of Lara Croft, representation of females and power of the media.
Narrative structure: closed narrative structure, non-linear, single strand narrative structure.
Camerawork: ECU interviewee.
Fast pans/tracks.
Pans across tomb raider title.
Interview - eyeline 1/3 of the way down the screen, left or right of the screen in low angle, tilted interview.
Pan over pictures.
Whip pans.
Fast tracking shots.
Mise-en-scene: Dark face of interviewee.
Sound: Game sound in the background of interviews.
Sound effects.
Editing: Game playing in the background of the interview. This could distract the audience from the interview.
Archive material: Games.
People playing games.
Barbie footage.
Tomb raider film.
Latters to Lara Croft.
Pictures of Lara Croft.
Graphics: Lara Croft - Bold, White and capitals.
Name - Bold.
Title - smaller than name.
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