Thursday, September 23, 2010

BBC2 - The music biz - The marketing of Meatloaf documentary.

Type of documentary: Mixed.

Themes: Marketing of music.
Creation of image for singer or band.
Power of media to influence audience behaviour.

Narrative structure: Non - linear.
Single strand.

Camerawork: Interviews- framed to left or right of the screen, MCU or CU, eyeline 1/3 of the way down screen. They were conventional.
Variety of camerawork. Different shot types.
ECU of CD cover, mags. Camera movements.
High/low angle.
P.O.V shot of someone walking into the betting office.
Handheld camera - all behind scene footage.
Meatloaf - atleast 4 different interviews.
Brit award filming people filming awards.

Mise-en-scene: Chromakey - blue or green acreen behinde interviewee.
Background of chromakey in archive material or actuality footagerelated to the interviewees speech.
Sound: Voiceover - sarcastic, male, standard english, calm clear delivery. It linked with archive/actuality footage.
Meatloafs music under voiceover.

Editing: Interviewee's dissolve in and out.
Intercutting/crosscutting between interviews to construct narratives. Must of asked the interviewee's the same question.
See footage/music video then it freezes when interviewee fades into screen.
This is so the audience doesn't get distracted by the background.
Filming behind scenes then cut to the finished clip so the audience know what the finished music video looks like.

Archive material: Magazine covers.
CD covers.
TV clips.
Music videos.
Chat shows.
Brit awards.
Newspaper headlines.
Villiage people videos.
News footage USA and UK.
Mr Blobby music videos.
Used as Chromakey background.
Graphics: Title sequence.
Series logo - name if person, white, capitals and italics, sherif, left or right of the screen.
I have used this image within my blog because in the documentary they where filming the video for a few of Meat Loaf videos of this album.

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