- Interviewee posistioned to left or right of frame. if more than one interview its alternates.
- Interviewees filmed in medium shot, medium close up or close up.
- Questions are edited out.
- Mise-en-scene = background reinforces the content of the interview or is related to the interviewee, providing more information about them in terms of occipation or personal enviroment.
- Graphics are used to anchor who the person is on screen and their relevance tothe topic to the documentary.
- Interviewee looks at interviewer not directly to the camera.
- The positioning of the interviewer is therefore important. If the interviewee is on the right of the frame the interviewer is on the left of the camera and vise veser.
- The interviewer should sit as close to the camera as possible.
- Framing follows the third rule. Eyeline of intervieww is roughly a third of the way down the screen.
- Interviews are never filmed with a light source behind the interviewee. IE in front of a window or sun behind them. The light is always infront of them, behind the camera.
- Cut aways are edited into interviews for two reasons. 1. To break up interviews and illustrate what they're talking about. 2. To avoid jump cuts when questions are edited out.
- Cut aways are either: Archive material, suggested by somethingg siad in the interview and therefore filmed after the interview and somtimes aspects of the interviewee are filmed with another caera such as extreme close ups of eyes, mouth and hands and are used as cut aways.
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